Bedford Sackville Minor Football
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Feb 28 2024

Update on flooding and July camp

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What an amazing day at Bremner field. The spirit of the association and the community was out in full force today as the water receded enough to take stock of what damage we obtained during the flood.

We did not escape unscathed as the water reached heights of 4-5 feet in both our sheds and our equipment space at the bottom of the leisure/lawn bowling club. Due to this we did end up losing some helmets and shoulder pads, as well as some of our canteen tables and miscellaneous items. 

The association had many dedicated volunteers show up at a moments notice, and I want to thank each and every one of them for showing up today. We really did a great deal of work on the buildings we could access. Our flipped shed still sits where it is but we are hoping to have a solution for that this week.

All of our gear is now sitting in new homes. Most of our helmets were ok. Thankfully our pants also floated in their Rubbermaid tubs. We had several stations setup to wash and rinse any wet shoulder pads and pant pads. We also had several families take jerseys home to launder, as well as shoulder pads to dry out. 

The field is still underwater but we watched the water drop quite a bit even in the hours we were there. We will not be able to continue with our July conditioning but we are hoping everything should be ok for training camp in August.

We still have a lot of issues to look at as far as what will happen to the sheds, and how we may replace if necessary. We also have to find a way to replace what was lost but considering everything I saw today, I have the upmost faith that we will come out of this and still manage to have a successful season.

Thanks again to all who showed up and reached out to offer support and help. It is much appreciated. 

Photos and videos can be found on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Stay tuned
John Strowbridge
President BSMF

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