Through the dedicated efforts of BSMF parents, players, and alumni, our organization was able to purchase a new scoreboard for Bud Bremner Field. This scoreboard has also given us the opportunity to raise funds for our club by offering advertising space on the scoreboard structure. If you have a business in need of advertising, or know a business with this need, please contact our president at
president@bsmf.ca for further information.
Bronze Sponsor - up to $500
Framed Photo of Saints Team of choice
Display of Company logo on Saints website recognized as a Bronze sponsor
Silver Sponsor - $500 +
Framed Photo of Saints Team of choice
Display of Company logo on Saints website, recognized as a Silver sponsor
Logo displayed on Team T-shirt
Gold Sponsor - $1000 +
Framed Photo of Saints Team of choice
Display of Company logo on Saints website, recognized as a Gold sponsor
Logo displayed on Team T-shirt
Logo displayed on Game Day Programmes
Platinum Sponsor - $2500 +
Framed Photos of all Saints Teams
Display of Company logo on Saints website, recognized as a Platinum sponsor
Logo displayed on Team T-shirt
Logo displayed on Game Day Programmes
Logo displayed on Goal Posts or Banner during Games
Please contact President at president@bsmf.ca for further information.